
Legends of Slack

We here at laydownthe|SLACK| have, honest to *whomever you pray to*, managed to go to work late, procrastinate until noon, take more than a 3.5 hour lunch, say hi to the boss whilst running in acting busy on the laptop, and leave early all in one day, for many, many days.

Now, sometimes, this is not possible. Sometimes work must be done. We hate those times, but in the interest of keeping our jobs in order to continue getting paid for nothing, we will put forth the effort and throw down.

BUT, we know that everyone here has plenty of experience DOING work, so we want to remain focused on ways with which to avoid these tasks. And we promise to always specialize in ways to entertain, distract, or teach you to detract from your work environment.

And yes, the only reason I am writing this is that my boss is here and truly believes that this is his report that he needs in an hour. I simply asked a co-worker to proofread my horrible(fake) report, and in utter terror at our boss reading this, he is conveniently re-writing the entire report as we speak.

This seems like it may have a downfall, by highlighting what appears to be a flaw in my abilities,(it is not, I can easily write reports) my coworker now has ammo against me, negating one of the key flaws in slacker lifestyle.

But I set him up with his girlfriend.

She OWNS him.

So I am safe.

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