
Lack of Initiative Spawning Creation

It is no longer "just sleep" once you hit 4:00 pm on a Tuesday, and you are just now getting morning wood.

Most of the free world as you view it today has a few truths that they(falsely) hold self-evident as far as the lazy(we prefer anti-effort) are concerned. Several of these problems are as follows:

  • The lazy slack-offs out there are a burden to workloads and payrolls of companies everywhere.
  • Laziness holds back progress, keeping mankind from reaching its full potential as soon as possible.
  • Laziness is prevalent in some cultures more than others.
  • Lack of completed work translates to a lack of effort.
All of these statements are inherently wrong. The first and second kind of go hand in hand with each other. While me not getting my work done on time can be seen as a company uselessly paying me for work I did not do, at the same time, it means that there is extra work to be done by those who are silly enough to choose to do it. A percentage of those people go on to learn something they would not have otherwise learned from "my" work, and a percentage of those make brilliant discoveries that they may never have conceived if not for my noble lack of accomplishing a task. It goes on and on until you realize that, in effect, I eventually cure cancer. You see, the lazy are like catalysts for the brilliant, without our undone work to feed them in their bursts of manic calculations, they would simply fizzle out with nothing left to do!

The third point has very much to do with stereotypes. Everyone has heard of the sleepy, lazy Mexican janitor, and many times, they do exist, exactly as the stereotype portrays them. Unfortunately this profiling is flawed. Just as many, no, MORE white-collar workers put just as little effort into the actual workload they are assigned on any given day, and make grossly larger sums of money to do so. Unfortunately, because of the difference in pay, all these workers are often made to account for their time spent during an eight(I make 'em six) hour work day. So we expend effort in order to keep up the appearance of being hard at work, as opposed to ANY janitor, who simply passes out in front of the cafeteria/in a ventilation duct/on top of frightened children. EVERY culture around the world is full of crafty types(like myself) who, much like Tom Sawyer, can make you do the lion's share of a job, and make you feel bad for doing it.

The other, and possibly most important thing that the average citizen does not bother to admit or realize is that what we do all day is HARD! Timing naps to keep up appearances, or rigging crafty devices to trick our surrounding fellows, takes skill, practice, and dedication. All we, the lazy people of the world want is to be recognized as a whole for what we bring to the table. By slamming on the brakes at every available turn, we are the driving force of the world!

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