
We Are Defineable

Laziness is the lack of desire to perform work or expend effort. What behavior is considered laziness varies according to personal and societal standards.

"Genius" Procrastination

"Genius procrastinator" is a type of "relaxed" procrastinator. Unlike the typical "relaxed type" procrastinator, who usually does not care about the task they are delaying, geniuses do care but do not need to put a great deal of effort into that task to do well, and therefore can wait until the last minute, put in minimal effort, and still produce a good result. "Genius" procrastinators often work well under pressure; often when they do not have a set deadline for a project, their work lags. Other "genius" procrastinators are just lazy with their time in general, and when they're procrastinating in a subject that they are not as skilled at, they usually fall under the "tense-afraid" type.

A common example of the "genius" procrastinator is the precocious student who is working in a class where the expectations are set far below their ability level in that subject. For example, a gifted writer in a standard-level English class often waits until the last minute to write their papers because they know that they will get an A even by putting in the lowest amount of effort possible, and that to expend any more effort than that on such an assignment would be wasteful.


And they call this a problem?

We adhere to one philosophy in life. The more YOU do, the less WE have to do. We may put in the effort required to be respectable human beings, but at most times, we are simply searching for ways to do less than every one else. After all, why run the race when you can just be carried to the finish line?

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